5 P's for a Productive Bible Study

5 P's for a Productive Bible Study

I get it. You're busy. But you want to study the Bible more regularly. And you can't quite find your rhythm. I got you. Here are five easy-to-remember tips to help you be more productive (and consistent) in your personal Bible Study.

1. Place

Location. Location Location. This isn't just important in real estate. It's also important when you sit down with God's Word. There are so many things and people competing for your attention these days. Don't allow them to compete with your time in God's Word. Find a spot that's comfortable for you. For me, it's a plush chair in our reading room. And find a time that works for you. For working moms, that might be early in the morning before the kids get up. For night owls, it might be a bedtime routine that involves devotional reading. Find what works for you. And protect that time and place to spend time with God.

2. Plan

Fail to plan and plan to fail. We always approach Bible reading with the best intentions, but we don't have a plan to ensure consistency. Sure, we download the Bible reading plan on our favorite app. But if you make a plan or start a plan, make sure you stick with it. And when you plan, you'll soon discover it's easier to remain consistent.

3. Products

You have products to take care of your hair. You should also have products to take care of your soul. Invest in a good paper study Bible. My favorite is the ESV Study Bible. I know we carry around our phones all the time and the Bible App is great, but nothing beats a physical study Bible for personal study time. It helps eliminate those pesky notifications that come through as soon as you sit down to commune with God.

4. Prayer

Yeah, I know. This seems obvious. But you'd be surprised how many people open up Scripture without opening up their hearts in prayer. Your prayer should be specific. Ask the same Spirit who breathed on God's word to breathe on your study time.

5. People

Find yourself some people to go on this journey with. Do you know who the most successful people who want to do better at the gym are? The ones who find workout partners to hold them accountable. Identify some folks who can do some studying with you, and you'll soon be strengthened and encouraged through them holding you accountable.